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In this article, we look at the prospect of stagflation in the U.S.
When Dana Gibson was feted at her 80th birthday party, several people attested to how she operates more like a 60-year-old than an 80-year-old. She travels extensively—though her exploring the wilds of Guatemala may have slowed down—attends Broadway plays and cultural events, plays tennis several times a week, hikes, volunteers at a church, is as active as many millennials, and looks 20 years younger than her age.
After a long buildup on the Ukrainian border, Russian troops invaded Ukraine in late February, sparking a regional war and unleashing a major humanitarian crisis. The world responded with economic sanctions against Russia, humanitarian support forUkrainian refugees, and money and arms for the Ukrainian defense.
“I don’t know” is often the difference between success and failure in the investment world. Unfortunately, these three words are rarely heard across the investment industry, which is built on the illusion of certainty. However, it is important to remember that how investors approach things that are unknowable is far more important than anything that can be known.
Read on to learn more about the relationship between risk and reward, how to understand your own tolerance for risk, ways to reduce risk through diversification, and where you can look to find reputable sources of information about investments.
Not educating yourself about which investments may be able to help you pursue your financial goals and how to approach the investing process is a mistake for any saver. Read on to find out how knowledge about your investments creates financial independence.
Delve into this quick read to pick up six basic principles that may help you invest more successfully—from considering different asset allocations to making sense of time horizons and understanding long-term compounding.
When developing your estate plan, you can do well by doing good. Leaving money to charity rewards you in many ways. It gives you a sense of personal satisfaction, and it can save you money in estate taxes.
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