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As an advisor to your employer’s retirement plan, CAPTRUST is able to offer you a number of resources to help you make decisions about saving and investing for your future. Learn more about what’s available to help you plan your retirement and manage your finances, including one-on-one personalized advice, articles, webinars, videos, and more.

Think getting your credit report is as scary as looking at your middle school report card? In this Lessons in Financial Experiences (LIFE) episode, learn why your credit report is a critical part of your financial success and how to ensure that you get a passing grade.

Using credit is an important part of building a future, but using too much can harm you in unanticipated ways. This webinar recording explains how to get information about your credit, as well as what credit reports contain and why it is important to review them. We also discuss steps that can help you avoid fraud and identity theft.

So far, 2021 has been a year of notable growth for the economy. But as we entered September, a shift in the markets began to occur in part because of several areas of disruption in the global production cycle. Tune in to learn more about these bottlenecks and what could happen if they are not resolved in the short term.

If you’re in a high deductible health plan, a health savings account (HSA) is a way to accumulate money tax-free to pay these deductibles and other medical costs. In this video, learn the benefits of leveraging an HSA, not only to pay your medical expenses but also as a way to save for retirement.

As the cost of trading stocks has dropped to zero, more individuals are feeling empowered to purchase and trade stocks, bonds, and other investments. But how much risk you are willing to take with your portfolio may determine if you are acting as an investor or a speculator.

In this installment of client conversations, we look at the special concerns divorcing couples have when it comes to insurance coverage.

Over the past year, we have endured a period of massive uncertainty driven by a global healthcare crisis and its economic impacts, compounded by racially charged social tensions and a contentious U.S. election season. No doubt, we will feel 2020’s impact on our lives, families, household finances, and the economy for many years. While the past year has highlighted deeply rooted issues that need addressing, hopefully we are closing in on the light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel. At the risk of giving the all clear too soon, it might be worth a look in the rearview mirror while our feelings are still fresh.

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