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Then things really snowballed. First, he had a bad fall that caused a head injury and landed him in the emergency room. A few years later, he was back in the hospital with the early stages of colon cancer and signs of cognitive decline.

Protection of your personal information is an important issue.

In this issue, we examine the impact of potential tax reform on the municipal bond market, steps to take as you enter your retirement homestretch, and creative ways business owners can use insurance.

Parents with growing children often walk a financial tightrope.

Marriage is for better or worse, but couples can avoid some of the worst marital meltdowns if they talk more about how to manage their money.

In this issue, we explore the rising cost of health care in retirement, how long to retain your financial documents, and disability insurance for the self-employed.

In this issue, we examine a diverse set of topics, including bitcoin and blockchain technologies, the benefits and considerations of filing for an income tax extension, and why you might want to consider umbrella liability insurance.

If you are a female breadwinner or you are married to one, you know that, at times, having the freedom to decide who does what in the family can be complicated.

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